New Standard for China Work Permit Application!

Guangzhou Municipal Science and Technology Bureau (Guangzhou Foreign Experts Bureau) released an announcement on the local average salary, which is a parameter in getting a China Work Permit. This will affect certain applicants’ work permit applications for a few months.


In accordance with the

Notice of the Ministry of Public Security of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the State Administration of Foreign Affairs on the Full Implementation of the Work Permit System for Foreigners Coming to China” (Foreign Experts Bureau [2017] No. 40),

Foreigners with an average wage of income of 6 times the local average are eligible for Category A work permits for high-end foreign talents. Those that make 4 times the amount are eligible for Category B work permits for Foreign Professionals.

According to the “Annual Average Salary of Employees in Non-Private and Private Sectors in Guangzhou in 2018” issued by the Guangzhou Municipal Bureau of Statistics, the average annual salary in Guangzhou in 2018 is RMB109,879. The average monthly salary is RMB9157.

From the date of the issuance of this notice to June 30, 2020, the work permit calculation standard for the wages of foreigners in Guangzhou is RMB109,879/ year and RMB9157/ month.


The salary is only one of the conditions for work permit applications. The applicant only needs to meet one of these conditions, NOT All.

For example. Here are more specific requirements for Category A. They need only meet ANY of the 6 following conditions :

  1. Are employed through one of China’s regional plans for the introduction of foreign talent;
  2. Adhere to internationally recognized standards for their field:
    1. Awarded for excellence in their field
    2. Assumed leadership at a well-known academic institution or international organization.
    3. Contributed as chief editor or other senior position in a high ranking national journal for science and technology.
    4. Occupied a middle-upper management, professorship, or assistant-professorship position at a world-renowned academic institution.
    5. Worked in a senior management position or high ranking technical role at a Fortune 500 company.
    6. Worked in a senior management position at one of the world’s leading banking or financial institutions.
    7. Prize holders of prominent awards in the arts e.g. Pulitzer prize
    8. Has held a senior position in government, in an NGO, or in a renowned international organization.
  3. Are applying for a position in China adhering to one of the criteria listed above, or those to be employed in:
    1. A senior management or technical position in large-scale industry.
    2. A research or engineering center in China.
    3. A high-level position at a foreign enterprise in a middle-sized industry, as recognized by the Catalogue for the Guidance of Foreign Investment Industries, an encouraged Chinese industry, or an industry in the Catalogue for Advantaged Foreign Investment in Western and Central regions.
    4. Chairman, legal representative, or chief management/technical heads of foreign investment enterprises in small-sized industries.
    5. Those to be employed in a senior position at a top-tier hospital, province level hospital or foreign-funded hospital.
  4. Are considered entrepreneurial and new industry talent by:
    1. Offering a new product or service requiring a patent, three years of stable investment, real investment not below US$500,000, as well as a 30 percent stake or above in the enterprise.
    2. Earning three years of annual revenue not below RMB 10 million.
    3. Planning to work in a senior management position or as a technical expert in innovative industries that align with the requirements of regional administrative departments.
  5. Are under 40 years of age doing post-doctoral research, and have graduated from a high ranking university or academic institution. Or earning over six times the average local salary.
  6. Score at least 85 points, you can use our mini-program to check your scores Now You Can Check Your Chinese Work Permit Application Online

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